Nov28 - Skip Pollock presented an interesting overview of stress and anxiety that involved the physiology, automatic reactions, and the effects of those reactions.  She explained that stress is processed in the lower brain regions (emotional limbic system), not the" thinking cortex". This fight-flight-or-freeze reaction is biologically  hard wired and during the initial reaction, the "executive brain" (prefrontal cortex) is disengaged. Consequently it is futile to attempt to control or stop stress rationally.  We need to recognize when we are anxious to be able to manage it. Too often people deny stress and think that denial is management.   The take-home message was to recognize stress and not be frightened by it.  It is a particularly important message for children who are rarely given realistic information about managing stress.  So, pay attention to the triggers for stress in the coming weeks because the holiday season often triggers a lot of stress for us, our families, and especially our children.