Jan 23 - Dayna Graser, Youth Career Advisor for Goodwill of Central Arizona, gave us an overview of the Goodwill Youth Programs. These  programs are part of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). She described the target  population for the program, and the assistance programs that are available.  She then explained the eligibility requirements, the enrollment process, and  what participants should expect from the program.  The program prepares "youth at risk" for entry into the workforce by:  (1) basic education and skill assistance; (2) work readiness and experience training; (3) occupational  skills and training; and (4) job search and college assistance. She shared  several success stories with us. The program is in its 4th year of operation  and serves about 65 youth at a time over a 2 year period. The program welcomes  volunteers to help mentor the youth that are enrolled.